stains and wood oils
Tough solvent-containing media
Solvent-based coatings
Solvent-based inks

Colorus Premium Flachpinsel SOLID Lackierpinsel 90% Top Borsten 12.Stärke 40mm

High Premium painter''s flat brush with stabilized china bristles for processing wall paints as well as solvent-based varnishes and paints to perfection. Also ideal for particularly tough media. For finishes with maximum possible quality demands

From 3 6 % Rabatt
€4.39 *
From 6 11 % Rabatt
€4.15 *

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Product information "Colorus Premium Flachpinsel SOLID Lackierpinsel 90% Top Borsten 12.Stärke 40mm"
Information on product safety:
Manufacturer: Colorus, Buchreuter Weg 1, 88279 Amtzell
Personne responsable: Colorus, Buchreuter Weg 1, 88279 Amtzell, [email protected]
Assortment: Standard
Besteckung: Premium Chinaborsten stabilisiert
Bristles: Premium bristles, China bristles stabilized
Crop performance: absolute perfection
Handle: Wooden handle ground
Medium: Korrossionsschutz, Lösemittelhaltige Farben & Lacke, Wasserbasierte Farben & Lacke
Product type: Brushes & Brushes
Quality: PLUS
Series: Solid
Sie Verarbeiten: Wall paint, varnish tough, varnish solvent-based, paint solvent-based, rust protection paints
Size: 40mm
Typ: Flachpinsel
Your claim (efficiency): Maximum
Your project: Trimming, window coating, paint coating
Your requirement (quality): Maximum
Zwinge: Polyamide clamp


Colorus Premium Ringpinsel SOLID Lackierpinsel 90% Top Borsten (04) Ø 25mm
from €3.09 *

High Premium painter''s ring brush with stabilized china bristles for processing wall paints as well as solvent-based varnishes and paints to perfection. Also ideal for particularly tough media. For finishes with maximum possible quality demands

Colorus Premium Lack Schaumwalze Performance STAR superfein PLUS beidseitig konkav 11cm
from €0.99 *

Specially perforated, extremely powerful! Premium paint foam roller for thin-layer application. Guaranteed streak-free coating due to concave end. Highest quality final coating with waterborne & light solventborne paints on smooth substrate

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